CUCAS “Study in China” Online Education Exhibition

East China Normal University - Asia Europe Business School

About the University

Asia Europe Business School is a jointly school between East China Normal University (top 4 in Shanghai, top 20 in China) and emlyon business school (top 4 in France, top 20 in Europe), the school is offering:
1. Double Degree BBA Program - Bachelor of Business Administration, English taught program with a pathway 2+2, first two years study in Shanghai, China and then two years in France to gain a Bachelor Degree of Management from East China Normal Universtiy and a BBA Degree from emlyon business school, students will take Chinese language courses during the program.
2. Double Degree Master Program in International Business (Global Management and China Studies), students will graduate with a Master Degree in International Business offered by East China Normal Universtiy and a MSc in Management (Grande Ecole Program) offered by emlyon business school, the program is taught entirely in English, students will take 1.5 years in Shanghai China and half year in Lyon France (2nd semester) to cmplete the degree courses.

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English-taught Sino-French Double Degree Programs - Asia Europe Business School of East China Normal University
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